Clinical Study

Combination of Micronutrients for Bone (COMB) Study: Bone Density after Micronutrient Intervention

Table 4

One year of therapy with the COMB protocol compared to strontium ranelate and bisphosphonate medications.

Percent changeCOMB protocol: one year whole group (postmenopausal females)Comparison to Strontium Ranelate at one year [21]Comparison to Alendronate at one year [44]Comparison to Risedronate at one year [45]

Femoral neck4%2%2%2%
Total hip3%3-4%2%Not calculated
Lowest hip site4%Not calculatedNot calculatedNot calculated
Total spine6%5-6%4%4%
Lowest spine site8%Not calculatedNot calculatedNot calculated