Research Article

Does Playground Improvement Increase Physical Activity among Children? A Quasi-Experimental Study of a Natural Experiment

Table 4

Physical activity level of children of playground intervention Park A users as measured by parental proxy questionnaire, postintervention.

Physical activityTotal % ( = 58)May % ( = 34)September % ( = 24)Chi-square ( value)

Sufficient activity55.2 (32)58.8 (20)50.0 (12) = 0.44 (0.51)
Insufficient activity44.8 (26)41.2 (14)50.0 (12)ā€‰

Parents were asked to report the number of hours of physical activity on weekdays and weekend days engaged in by their oldest child between the ages of 5 and 12 years. A daily mean of MVPA was then calculated. Sufficient physical activity was defined as attaining the recommended daily hour of MVPA.