Research Article

Population Dynamics and Air Pollution: The Impact of Demographics on Health Impact Assessment of Air Pollution

Table 2

Total numbers of excess deaths, lost life years, and social cost in M€ for the years 2005–2050 attributable to Danish air pollution emitted in the period 2005–2030 by age and sex, for the three different scenarios (first: fixed population, second: static mortality, and third: expected development).

Men Women
Fixed Static Expected Fixed Static Expected

Excess deaths

0–39 years 165 116 79 133 77 51
40–64 years 2.808 1.824 1.431 2.838 1.778 1.278
65–84 years 5.995 3.655 4.184 9.117 5.925 5.762
85+ years 1.387 −3.779 −3.560 4.471 −5.346 −4.676

Total 10.355 1.816 2.134 16.559 2.434 2.416

Lost life years

0–39 years 4.670 1.546 1.102 3.498 977 698
40–64 years 65.903 14.921 11.618 64.044 13.747 9.898
65–84 years 146.736 70.976 62.391 224.341 80.010 66.318
85+ years 38.446 36.256 46.562 124.683 71.839 81.672

Total 255.756 123.699 121.672 416.567 166.574 158.586

Social cost (M€)

0–39 years 10.6 8.1 6.0 7.0 4.8 3.5
40–64 years 197.0 144.9 120.2 118.3 87.4 67.4
65–84 years 33.5 37.0 33.3 50.5 48.8 41.9
85+ years 3.5 −7.0 −5.9 10.1 −6.6 −4.9

Total 244.5 183.1 153.6 185.9 134.4 108.0