Research Article

Sanitary Conditions of Food Vending Sites and Food Handling Practices of Street Food Vendors in Benin City, Nigeria: Implication for Food Hygiene and Safety

Table 2

Background characteristics of respondents and sanitary conditions of food vending sites.

Background characteristicsEnvironmental hygiene
Poor (%)Good (%)Total (%)

Educational attainment
 None5 (55.6)4 (44.4)9 (100.0)
 Primary88 (72.7)33 (27.3)121 (100.0)
 Secondary97 (68.3)45 (31.7)142 (100.0)
 Tertiary8 (61.5)5 (38.5)13 (100.0)
 Vocational0 (0.0)1 (100.0)1 (100.0)
 Total198 (69.2)88 (30.8)286 (100.0)
 Fisher’s exact = 4.15
Food safety training
 Trained56 (68.3)26 (31.7)82 (100.0)
 Not trained142 (69.6)62 (30.4)204 (100.0)
Total198 (69.2)88 (30.8)286 (100.0)
Awareness of food safety law
 Aware67 (72.8)25 (27.2)92 (100.0)
 Not aware131 (67.5)63 (32.5)194 (100.0)
 Total198 (69.2)88 (30.8)286 (100.0)