Research Article

Environmental and Organizational Factors Associated with Elbow/Forearm and Hand/Wrist Disorder among Sewing Machine Operators of Garment Industry in Ethiopia

Table 6

Multivariate analysis for factors associated with elbow/forearm MS disorders among sewing machine operators in Galan City, Oromia Regional State, Eastern Ethiopia, 2012.

Category of variablesElbow/forearm disorder
Yes (%)No (%)COR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI)

 Male 34 (65.4)18 (34.6)3.2 (1.6–5.5)1.8 (1.7–4.8)**
 Female 135 (36.5)235 (63.5)1.001.00
Educational level
 Illiterate 17 (37.8)28 (62.2)0.55 (0.23–1.29)
 Primary school59 (43.7)76 (56.3)0.70 (0.35–1.41)
 Secondary school71 (35.5)129 (64.5)0.50 (0.25–0.97)
 Higher education 22 (52.4)20 (47.6)1.00
Monthly salary
 <700 ETB (<35.5 US dollar)34 (24.6)104 (75.4)0.17 (0.07–0.39)0.21 (0.08–0.54)*
 700–900 ETB (35.5–45.5 US dollar)114 (45.2)138 (54.8)0.43 (0.20–0.93)0.47 (0.19–1.13)
 >900 ETB (>45.5 US dollar)21 (65.6)11 (34.4)1.001.00
Year of service in garment
 1–5 years93 (34.5)177 (65.5)1.001.00
 6–10 years52 (44.1)66 (55.9)1.50 (0.96–2.32)1.04 (0.64–1.70)
 11–15 years6 (54.5)5 (45.4)2.28 (0.67–7.68)1.50 (0.39–5.77)
 ≥16 years18 (78.3)5 (21.7)6.85 (2.46–19.04)4.70 (1.55–13.02)**
Physical activities
 None141 (39.8)213 (60.1)1.48 (0.63–3.51)5.02 (1.57–16.05)*
 Once per week17 (58.6)12 (41.4)3.18 (1.04–9.70)5.54 (1.46–21.00)*
 Two times per week3 (23.0)10 (76.9)0.67 (0.14–3.13)0.59 (0.10–3.49)
 ≥3 times per week8 (30.8)18 (69.2)1.001.00
Medical history of systemic illness
 Yes30 (46.2)35 (53.8)2.03 (1.07–3.85)
 No139 (38.9)218 (61.1)1.00
Employment status
 Temporary16 (64.0)9 (36.0)2.83 (1.22–6.37)
 Permanent153 (38.5)244 (61.5)1.00
Payment method
 Hourly payment111 (35.5)202 (64.5)1.001.00
 Piece rate payment58 (53.2)51 (46.8)2.07 (1.33–3.21)2.01 (1.23–3.28)*
Training on issue of ergonomics
 Yes11 (64.7)6 (35.3)1.00
 No158 (39.1)247 (60.9)2.86 (1.04–7.90)

AOR: adjusted odds ratio, COR: crude odd ratio, ETB: Ethiopian Birr, US: United States, value < 0.05, value < 0.001.