Research Article

Prevalence and Perinatal Outcomes of Singleton Term Breech Delivery in Wolisso Hospital, Oromia Region, Southern Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 1

Bivariate logistic regression analysis of associated factors with perinatal outcomes among breech deliveries of Wolisso Hospital ().

VariablesLabelFetal outcomeCOR 95% CI value

Age19 or below4 (18.2%)18 (81.8%)1.2 0.76
20–2410 (12%)73 (88%)0.74 0.46
25–2922 (15.6%)119 (84.4%)1
30–3410 (14.9%)57 (85.1)0.95 0.90
35 or above16 (22.5%)55 (77.5%)1.57
ResidenceUrban2 (4%)48 (96%)0.19 0.02
Rural60 (18%)274 (82%)1
Parity of womenPrimipara19 (17.4%)90 (82.6%)1.36 0.38
Multipara19 (13.5%)122 (86.5%)1
Grand multipara24 (17.9)110 (82.1%)1.40 0.31
Frequency of ANC follow-up<430 (20.7%)115 (79.3%)1.37 0.30
≥423 (16%)121 (84%)1
Not mentioned9 (9.5%)86 (90.5%)0.55
Women remembered LNMPYes13 (16.9%)64 (83.1%)1.1 0.84
No49 (16%)258 (84%)1
Cervical dilatationFully dilated28 (23.7%)90 (76.3%)1
Not Fully dilated34 (12.8%)232 (87.2%)0.47
Condition of membraneIntact9 (5.8%)146 (94.2%)1
Ruptured53 (23.1%)176 (76.9%)4.89 <0.001
Time duration of membrane rupture<8 hours37 (20.3%)145 (79.7%)1
≥8 hours15 (31.9%)32 (68.1%)1.84 0.09
Neonatal birth weight<2500 gm23 (43.4%)30 (56.6%)5.51 <0.001
2500–3500 gm32 (12.2%)230 (87.8%)1
>3500 gm7 (10.1%)62 (89.9%)0.81 0.64

Mode of deliveryCs8 (11.9%)59 (88.1%)0.66 0.31
Vaginal delivery54 (17%)263 (83%)1
Gestational age by fundal height<3714 (19.7%)57 (80.3%)0.86 0.86
37–4233 (14.2%)200 (85.8%)0.6 0.51
>422 (22.2%)7 (77.8%)1

Significant at (candidate variables for multivariable logistic regression model).