Research Article

Role Performance of Community Health Volunteers and Its Associated Factors in Kuching District, Sarawak

Table 4

Factors affecting role performance of health volunteer ().

95% CI

Age group (years)0.003
 24 and lower7 (50.0)7 (50.0)18.5227.292.781–267.9450.002
 25–3426 (59.1)18 (40.9)2.353.501.127–10.8780.078
 35–4447 (72.3)18 (27.7)3.204.931.784–13.6600.007
 45 and above (ref)44 (50.6)43 (49.4)1.00
Education level<0.001
 Primary (ref)16 (64.0)9 (36.0)1.00
 Secondary82 (53.9)70 (46.1)0.410.200.059–0.6790.053
 Tertiary26 (78.8)7 (21.2)6.544.291.038–17.7510.044
Marital status
 Single (ref)18 (47.4)106 (61.6)1.00
 Married106 (61.6)66 (38.4)4.084.651.006–17.5880.025
Prestige and respect
 Yes54 (68.4)25 (31.6)3.242.761.244–6.1200.012
 No (ref)70 (53.4)61 (46.6)1.00
Seen as “doctor” in community
 Yes15 (88.2)2 (11.8)5.318.642.044–36.5770.003
 No (ref)109 (56.5)84 (43.5)1.00
Job aids (boots, raincoats, and medical equipment)
 Yes72 (63.2)42 (36.8)1.753.041.324–7.0080.009
 No (ref)52 (54.2)44 (45.8)1.00
Training location
 Community setting26 (56.5)20 (43.5)4.034.751.930–11.7250.001
 Government setting (ref)69 (42.1)95 (57.9)1.00
Supervision by
 Community70 (49.6)71 (50.4)–18.055<0.001
 Medical (ref)25 (36.2)44 (63.8)1.00

Hosmer and Lemeshow test value = 0.088 > 0.05; CI = confidence interval; OR = odds ratio.
Logistic Regression (no multicollinearity, assumptions were all met)
Dependent variable = role performance (high performance versus low performance of CHV)
= above median of 29; = below median of 29.