Research Article

Children under Five from Houses of Unclean Fuel Sources and Poorly Ventilated Houses Have Higher Odds of Suffering from Acute Respiratory Infection in Wolaita-Sodo, Southern Ethiopia: A Case-Control Study

Table 1

Relationship between sociodemographic characteristics of households in ARI, Wolaita-Sodo, Ethiopia, February 2017 .

Sociodemographic characteristicsCase, (%)Control, (%)Total, (%)

Mother age
 15–24 years94 (27.2)252 (72.8)346 (30.24)
 25–44 years189 (24.2)592 (75.8)781 (68.26)
 45+ years3 (17.6)14 (82.4)17 (1.48)
Educational status of the mother
 No education98 (8.6)233 (20.4)331 (28.9)
 Primary level109 (33.4)217 (66.6)326 (28.50)
 Secondary level46 (18.7)200 (81.3)246 (21.5)
 Higher level33 (13.7)208 (86.3)241 (21.07)
 Employed30 (14.3)180 (85.7)210 (18.36)
 Petty trade37 (18)168 (82)205 (17.92)
 Unemployed61 (5.3)124 (10.8)185 (16.2)
 Housewife158 (29)386 (71)544 (47.55)
Family size
 ≤5 families190 (22.9)641 (77.1)831 (72.6)
 >5 families96 (30.7)217 (69.3)313 (27.4)
Main drinking water source
 Improved264 (23.1)817 (71.4)1081 (94.5)
 Nonimproved264 (23.1)41 (3.6)63 (5.5)
The type of latrine
 No latrine10 (20)40 (80)50 (4.37)
 Pit latrine246 (25.3)726 (74.7)972 (84.96)
 VIPL21 (22.1)74 (77.9)95 (8.3)
 Water pouring9 (33.3)18 (66.7)27 (2.36)