Research Article

Children under Five from Houses of Unclean Fuel Sources and Poorly Ventilated Houses Have Higher Odds of Suffering from Acute Respiratory Infection in Wolaita-Sodo, Southern Ethiopia: A Case-Control Study

Table 2

Relationship between maternal and child related variables in ARI, Wolaita-Sodo, Southern Ethiopia, February 2017 .

CharacteristicsCase, (%)Control, (%)Total, (%)

Sex of the child
 Male145 (23.9)461 (76.1)606 (53)
 Female141 (26.2)397 (73.8)538 (47)
Child age
 0–11 months62 (22.1)219 (77.9)281 (24.6)
 12–23 months99 (30)231 (70)330 (28.8)
 24–35 months57 (22)202 (78)259 (22.6)
 36–47 months43 (25)129 (75)172 (15)
 48–59 months25 (24.5)77 (75.5)102 (8.9)
ANC follow-up
 Yes274 (24.8)832 (75.2)1106 (96.68)
 No12 (31.6)26 (68.4)38 (3.32)
Birth interval
 >=2 years177 (72.4)465 (27.6)642 (56.1)
 >2 years109 (21.7)393 (78.3)502 (43.9)
Child schooling
 Yes60 (29.6)143 (70.4)203 (17.74)
 No226 (24)715 (76)941 (82.25)
Bedroom shared with the child
 1 person48 (23.4)157 (76.6)205 (17.91)
 2 persons186 (25)559 (75)745 (65.12)
 >=3 persons52 (26.8)142 (73.2)194 (16.95)
Breastfeeding started time
 Within 1 hour214 (24.8)650 (75.2)864 (87.71)
 Within 24 hours25 (24.8)76 (75.2)101 (10.25)
 >24 hours7 (35)13 (65)20 (2)