Research Article

Children under Five from Houses of Unclean Fuel Sources and Poorly Ventilated Houses Have Higher Odds of Suffering from Acute Respiratory Infection in Wolaita-Sodo, Southern Ethiopia: A Case-Control Study

Table 3

Relationship between kitchen and house characteristics in ARI, Wolaita-Sodo, Ethiopia, February 2017 .

Kitchen and house characteristicsCase, (%)Control, (%)Total, (%)

Kitchen arrangement
 Inside the house125 (35.6)226 (64.4)351 (30.68)
 Separate building136 (19.1)576 (80.9)712 (62.23)
 Outdoor/open25 (30.9)56 (69.1)81 (7.08)
Separate kitchen
 Yes136 (19.1)576 (80.9)712 (62.2)
 No150 (34.7)282 (65.3)432 (37.8)
Kitchen has a chimney
 Yes48 (16.3)247 (83.7)295 (41.43)
 No88 (22.1)329 (78.9)417 (58.56)
Floor material of kitchen
 Soil/mud127 (19.2)533 (80.8)660 (92.7)
 Cement9 (17.3)43 (82.7)52 (7.3)
Windows open during cooking?
 Yes12 (26.1)34 (73.9)46 (6.46)
 No124 (18.4)542 (81.4)666 (93.54)
# of rooms
 1 room118 (34)229 (66)347 (30.33)
 2 rooms106 (34)366 (77.5)472 (41.25)
 3+ rooms62 (19.1)263 (80.9)325 (28.4)
# of windows
 No window22 (34.4)42 (65.6)64 (5.59)
 1 window159 (31.3)349 (68.7)508 (44.4)
 2 windows67 (17.1)325 (82.9)392 (34.26)
 3+ windows38 (21.1)142 (78.9)180 (15.73)