Research Article

A Qualitative Study Identifying Barriers and Facilitators of Physical Activity in Rural Communities

Table 4

Stakeholder themes.


Organization(i) Participant role
(ii) Participant background
(iii) Organization background
Stakeholder’s role in organization and how that organization operates and contributes to PA in the community. Also includes organization’s place in larger community infrastructure.“I’m the City administrator here…have been so for the last eight and a half years, a total of 13 years working in state government.”
“The county health (department) is responsible for promoting and protecting the health of its citizens.”

Existing PA events and promotion(i) PA event and description
(ii) No PA events
(iii) Other organizations promoting PA
(iv) Community events
Community events or promotion that contains an element of PA. Other organizations that already promote PA.“Related to physical activity we have the 5th annual Kiwanis Wolf Creek Trail Race.”
“We have sports programming for kids and adults, all the various kinds of team sports. We also promote our local trails and greenway.”

Ideas for future events, partnerships and PromotionStakeholder’s knowledge around potential ways to promote PA and possible collaborations within the community.“In this area if you offer food and free fun then you’re pretty bound to get some folks there. As long as it’s free. As long as it’s publicized in the right areas and offer food.”

Community informationCommunity information related to culture, communication, logistical patterns, governance, and infrastructure.“It’s a community of 2,000 people so we’re pretty much connected in all kinds of ways and settings. We always have something that we are either responsible for, participating in, or planning for.”