Research Article

Hygienic Practice during Complementary Feeding and Associated Factors among Mothers of Children Aged 6–24 Months in Bahir Dar Zuria District, Northwest Ethiopia, 2019

Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents, in Bahir Dar Zuria District, Northwest Ethiopia, 2019.

VariablesTotal (n)Percent

Age of mothers


Mother’s educational status
 Unable to read and write34256.6
 Able to read and write17028.1
 Primary schooled7712.7
 Secondary school and above152.5

Mother’s occupation
 House wife33856
 Daily laborer71.2

Husband’s educational status
 Unable to read and write40266.6
 Able to read and write13522.4
 Primary schooled518.4
Secondary school and above162.6

Husband’s occupation
 Daily laborer91.5
