Research Article

Waterpipe Nicotine Dependence and Depressive Symptoms among Adolescent Waterpipe and Dual Users

Table 2

Comparison between females and males∗ǂ.

VariableAll n = 1082FemaleMalep value

WTP Nicotine Dependence Scale150.336 (43.657, 57.015)47.309 (40.226, 54.393)55.336 (51.506, 59.166)0.014
Depressive Symptoms Scale29.550 (9.041, 10.058)9.988 (9.258, 10.718)8.825 (8.548, 9.102)0.034
Waterpipes smoked per week1.118 (0.420, 1.816)0.740 (0.220, 1.259)1.742 (0.849, 2.636)0.023

Means followed by 95% CI. ǂAdjusted for weights (the total number of observations after weight adjustment is 123,083) and clusters. 1WTP Nicotine Dependence Scale ranges from 37 to 185. 2Depressive Symptoms Scale ranges from 6 to 24.