Research Article

Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene among Rural Residents in Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia

Table 1

Knowledge of respondents on WASH in Tigray region, 2018.

VariableCategoryN (%)

Can unsafe water cause diarrheal diseases?Yes726 (96.9)
No23 (3.1)
Can water get contaminated?Yes680 (90.9)
No68 (9.1)
Was a clean water source used for hand washing?Yes710 (93.9)
No19 (2.5)
What are the consequences of liquid wastes?Expose to diseases741 (98)
Does not expose to diseases15 (2)
Does animal dung cause diseases?Yes690 (91.3)
No66 (8.7)
Have you got information on WASH in the last 6 months?Yes464 (71.1)
No188 (28.8)
Source of information about WASH?Health extension workers577 (88.5)
Radio/television139 (21.3)
Women development army/community173 (26.5)
What was the information received on WASH about?Hand hygiene531 (70.2)
Water quality415 (54.9)
Latrine549 (72.6)
Sanitation347 (45.9)
Is latrine essential and obligatory for every household?Yes671 (89.2)
No81 (10.8)
Prevention mechanisms for acute watery diarrhea?Food hygiene641 (84.8)
Hand hygiene537 (71)
Sanitation448 (59.3)
Using latrine330 (43.7)
What are the consequences of not washing hands?Expose to various diseases744 (98.4)
Does not expose to diseases12 (1.6)
Knowledge on WASHPoor437 (57.8)
Good319 (42.2)