Research Article

Household Food Insecurity Predicts Childhood Undernutrition: A Cross-Sectional Study in West Oromia (Ethiopia)

Table 3

Prevalence of household food security situation and undernutrition of children in the study setting.

 Household food access categoryPrevalence, n (%)
Total, n (%)StuntingUnderweightWastingUndernourished children (composite)

Food secure163 (31.0)25 (4.8)10 (1.9)10 (1.9)33 (6.3)
Mild food insecurity297 (56.6)42 (8.0)15 (2.9)17 (3.2)56 (10.7)
Moderate food insecurity65 (12.4)18 (3.4)11 (2.1)6 (1.1)23 (4.4)
Overall (%)

Undernourished children means those children categorized at least in any of the three indices (i.e., stunted, underweight, and wasted).