Research Article

Uterine Cancer Mortality in White and African American Females in Southeastern North Carolina

Table 1

Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the study group and control group#, 2007–2013.

CharacteristicsStudy groupControl group

Race (%)
 African American32.7%20.0%
 American Indian4.2%0.8%

Age structure of female population (%)
 0–9 years old13.0%12.4%
 10–19 years old13.5%12.8%
 20–44 years old31.1%33.8%
 45–64 years old26.6%26.4%
 65+ years old15.9%14.6%

Median household income (the U.S. dollars)$36520$46414
Bachelor or higher degree education (%)11.1%23.5%
Number of primary care providers (per 100,000 population)5177
Percentage of uninsured individuals18.5%17.8%
Smokers prevalence among those aged 24+ years old (%)25.9%24.0%

compared to the control group; compared to the control group. #NC zip codes with the density of hogs >215 hogs/km2 and NC zip codes without registered at the DWR hog farms, respectively.