Research Article

Uterine Cancer Mortality in White and African American Females in Southeastern North Carolina

Table 5

Analysis in the study and matched groups A and B#: uterine cancer mortality and hospital admission ratesa, 2007–2013.

OutcomeRaceStudy groupMatched group AMatched group B

MortalityWhite19.6 (12.4–26.9)b11.6 (6.8–16.5)9.5 (4.5–14.4)
African American32.5 (18.9–46.1)26.2 (15.0–37.5)36.8 (21.8–51.8)

Hospital admissionsWhite44.1 (33.2–55.0)34.5 (25.9–43.1)30.3 (21.1–39.4)
African American63.5 (44.3–82.7)41.8 (27.8–55.9)35.3 (20.6–50.1)

#Southeastern NC zip codes with >215 hogs/km2 (the study group) and NC zip codes without hog CAFOs matched by demographic characteristics such as the percentage of African Americans and percentage of children and adults aged 65+ in population, and median household income (matched group A) and additionally matched by the percentage of the residents aged 25+ with bachelor’s or higher degree (matched group B); aage-adjusted rates (per 100000) among females aged 65+; b95% CIs are shown in the parentheses.