Research Article

Nutritional Status of School Going Adolescent Girls in Awash Town, Afar Region, Ethiopia

Table 3

Multivariable binary logistic regression analysis for determinants of stunting among school going adolescent girls of Awash town, 2018 (n = 340).

VariablesStuntingCOR (95%)AOR (95% CI)
Yes (%)No (%)

 10–1437 (47.4)98(37.4)1.51(1.12–5.43)1.4(1.04–4.28)
 15–1941 (52.6)164 (62.6)1

Family size
 < = 3 persons7 (9.0)35 (13.4)1
 4–5 persons18 (23.1)76 (29.0)1.18(.45–3.09)1.31(0.48–3.57)
 >5 persons53(67.9)151(57.6)1.75(.74–4.19)1.87(0.75–4.63)

Availability of phone
 Yes63 (80.8)240 (91.6)1.
 No15 (19.2)22 (8.4)2.56 (1.27–5.29)3.3(1.55–7.02)

 Poor49(62.8)118(45)2.06(1.23, 5.64)2.2(1.4, 4.54)

Fruits and vegetables intake
 Yes39 (50.0%)90 (34.4%)1.91 (1.15–3.19)1.72 (0.14–4.25)
 No39 (50.0%)172 (65.6%)1

COR  crude odds ratio, AOR  adjusted odds ratio, CI  confidence interval, significant at .