Research Article

Technical Workflow Development for Integrating Drone Surveys and Entomological Sampling to Characterise Aquatic Larval Habitats of Anopheles funestus in Agricultural Landscapes in Côte d’Ivoire

Table 5

Summary statistics for the characteristics of anopheline larval positive habitats.

VariablePositive sites (range)Negative sites (range)

Average canopy cover (%)37 (0, 100)28 (0, 100)
Average emergent vegetation cover (%)51 (0, 100)27.2 (0, 100)
Average total dissolved solids (ppm)75 (15, 216)97 (5, 240)
Proportion of potential habitats positive by water permanenceTemporary0.470.53
Proportion of potential habitats positive by water flowStationary0.670.33
Slow flowing0.250.75
Fast flowing0.000.00
Proportion of potential habitats positive by water turbidityTransparent0.670.33
Very cloudy0.650.35