Research Article

The Incidence, Intensity, and Risk Factors for Soil Transmissible Helminthes Infections among Waste Handlers in a Large Coastal Periurban Settlement in Southern Ghana

Table 2

Intensity of STH infections, 90 and 180 days after albendazole treatment, categorized by the type of waste handling activities.

Type of activitynIntensity of helminthes infection (mean egg per gram (epg))SDa egg per gram/180 days posttreatment
90 days/Posttreatment180 days/Posttreatment

Sweeping51b0 (0.0)0.0
Disposal180 (0.0)0.0
Collection121 (8.0)20.8
Transportation52 (33.6)44.1
Sweeping and disposal60 (0.0)0.0
Sweeping and collection695 (6.6)28.0
Collection and disposal362 (1.3)5.5
Sweeping, collection, and disposal832 (0.3)2.6

aSD, standard deviation; bno STH infections after 90 days of treatment.