Research Article

Healthcare Waste Status and Handling Practices during COVID-19 Pandemic in Tepi General Hospital, Ethiopia

Table 3

Comparison of patient flow, total HCW generation, and its type using the Kruskal–Wallis test in each case team in Tepi General Hospital, Ethiopia.

Types of case teamsMean value (kg/day)
Patient flow, n (%)Total hospital wastes, n (%)General HCW, n (%)Hazardous HCW, n (%)

Wards126 (16.7)83.1 (16.9)7.7 (2.5)75.4 (40.2)
Gynecology91 (12.1)48.9 (9.9)10.5 (3.4)38.4 (20.5)
Laboratory154 (20.5)44.6 (9)8 (2.6)36.6 (19.5)
OPD297 (39.5)74.3 (15.1)40.7 (13.3)33.6 (17.9)
Radiology84 (11.2)4.3 (0.9)0.9 (0.3)3.4 (1.8)
Kitchen0 (0)237.3 (48.2)237.3 (77.8)0 (0)
Degree of freedom59109