Research Article

Bacteriological and Physicochemical Quality of Drinking Water in Wegeda Town, Northwest Ethiopia

Table 4

Association between the level of bacterial contamination (fecal coliform counts and presence of E. coli) of drinking water with sociodemographic characteristics of the participant and some other risk factors in Wegeda town, 2018/19.

Risk factorsCategoriesIntermediate risk (%)Low risk number (%)Total number (%)χ2 ( value)

Sociodemographic characteristics of the households
Age of the respondents18–302 (18.18)9 (81.80)11 (18.3)3.73 (0.155)
31–5017 (51.51)16 (48.48)33 (55)
>507 (43.75)9 (56.25)16 (26.7)
Educational status of the family headNo schooling11 (78.57)3 (21.42)14 (23.33)9.96 (0.019)
Primary school10 (34.48)19 (65.51)29 (48.33)
Secondary school4 (36.36)7 (63.63)11 (18.33)
College and above1 (16.66)5 (83.33)6 (10)
Occupation of the family headFarming10 (90.90)1 (9.10)11 (18.33)13.04 (0.005)
Daily Laborer4 (44.44)5 (55.55)9 (15)
Gov. employee7 (30.43)16 (69.56)23 (38.33)
Merchant5 (29.41)12 (70.58)17 (28.33)
Family income in ETB Birr<20006 (100)06 (10)13.79 (0.008)
2001–30006 (60)4 (40)10 (16.7)
3001–40009 (42.85)12 (57.14)21 (35)
4001–50003 (17.64)14 (82.35)17 (28.33)
>50002 (33.33)4 (66.66)6 (10)
Family size2–411 (52.38)10 (47.61)21 (35)4.46 (0.108)
53 (20)12 (80)15 (25)
>512 (50)12 (50)24 (40)

Socioeconomic and behavioral factors
Source of drinking waterHDW6 (40)9 (60)15 (25)21.99 (<0.001)
PS3 (20)12 (80)15 (25)
UPS14 (93.33)1 (6.66)15 (25)
TW3 (20)12 (80)15 (25)
Presence of toilet at homePresent9 (24.32)28 (75.67)37 (61.7)14.20 (<0.001)
Absent17 (73.91)6 (26.08)23 (38.3)
Do you wash your hands after toilet with soap and water?Yes9 (23.07)30 (76.92)39 (65)18.62 (<0.001)
No17 (80.95)4 (19.04)21 (35)

Knowledge on drinking water handling
Do you take water by dipping the cup into the storage container?Yes18 (52.94)16 (47.05)34 (56.7)2.95 (0.086)
No8 (30.76)18 (69.23)26 (46.3)
Have you ever had information about water handling practice?Yes12 (40)18 (60)30 (50)0 .27 (0.60)
No14 (46.66)16 (53.33)30 (50)
Do you know that unclean container can contaminate drinking waterYes18 (29.62)19 (70.37)27 (45)3.75 (0.053)
No18 (54.54)15 (45.45)33 (55)
Do you know that uncovered container can contaminate drinking water?Yes15 (32.60)31 (67.39)46 (76.7)9.23 (0.002)
No11 (78.57)3 (21.42)14 (23.3)
Knowledge that unsanitary hand can contaminate drinking waterYes5 (26.31)14 (73.68)19 (31.7)3.27 (0.07)
No1 (51.21)20 (48.78)41 (68.3)