Research Article

[Retracted] The Effects of Exercise Interventions on Mental Health in Chinese Older Adults

Table 1

PEDro scores of the included studies.

StudyEvaluation criterionScores

Xu [12]111100011106
Chen et al. [13]111100111107
Luo et al. [14]111000011105
Shen [15]111100011106
Sun and wang [16]111100011106
Zhang and Ma [8]111100011106
Zhao [17]111111001107
Zhao and Xu [18]111100011005
Ma et al. [19]111100011106
Gao [20]111111011108
Hou [21]111100011106
Ou [22]111100011106
Guan [23]110100011105
Sun [24]111100011106
Fan [25]111100011106

Note: 1. Eligibility criteria; 2. Randomization; 3. Allocation hidden; 4. Similar group baseline; 5. Blinding of all subjects; 6. Blinding of all therapists; 7. Blinding of all assessors; 8. Drops out <15%; 9. Intention to treat method; 10. Statistical between group; 11.print measures and measures of variability.