Research Article

Will Improved Safety Attitudes Necessarily Curb Unsafe Behavior? Hybrid Method Based on NCA and SEM

Table 3

Construct measurement and convergent validity analysis.

ConstructIndicatorVariable descriptionStandardized loadingAVE

Regulation system (RS)RS1The company will regularly organize security assessments0.9080.713
RS2If I do not have protective equipment, my supervisor will scold me0.873
RS3Safety guards supervise staff behavior at the construction site0.743
Safety training (ST)ST1My company trains employees on workplace safety issues0.8360.792
ST2Give me safety training enough to assess workplace hazards0.840
ST3Management encourages us to attend security training courses0.744
Safety atmosphere (SA)SA1Management takes corrective action against unsafe measure0.6540.594
SA2Team members provide guidance for security work0.876
SA3Team members remind the use of safety equipment0.864
SA4Team members discuss security risks0.657
Safety attitude (SA)SA1Accidents at work are inevitable0.8450.766
SA2I can also do the work of security personnel, which is relatively simple0.924
SA3If the safe operation rules are convenient and feasible, it can promote my safe work0.855