Research Article

Drinking Water Sources along the Banks of Buriganga River of Bangladesh are Polluted and Possess Serious Health Risks: A Comprehensive In Vivo Analysis

Figure 3

Representative photomicrographs of distal organs of rats after 56-day exposure to sample tap water. Photomicrographs of slices from the brain (a–b), liver (c–d), lung (e–f), heart (g–h), kidney (i–j), and spleen (k–l) stained with hematoxylin and eosin. (a) Normal brain architecture with well delineated cortical layers and neuronal cells; (b) in the experimental group (tap water), gross lesion (black arrow) and mild-to-moderate focal hemorrhage (red arrow) was observed; (c) normal liver architecture with normal hepatocytes and red cell stasis within the central vein and sinusoids; (d) experimental rat liver section showing sinusoidal dilatation, cytoplasmic vacuolation and inflammation; (e) sections of lungs of control rat; (f) sections lungs of experimental rats showed no differences; (g) well developed and normal distribution of cardiac muscle fibers; normal appearance of cardiac tissue of control rat; (h) highly distorted cardiac muscle fibers with increased collagen bundle (red arrow) observed in experimental group and the muscle fibers appears deformed due to adverse accumulation of collagen increasing tissue stiffness causing cardiac fibrosis; (i) normal histological features of kidney including glomerulus and tubules of control rat-glomeruli are normal and tightly filing the Bowman’s capsule and renal tubules are lined with typical thick cubic epithelium; (j) kidney section of experimental groups had degeneration of the glomerular tuft with infiltration of lymphocytes and the renal tubules became vacuolated along with losing their brush borders; (k) normal histology of spleen, region of the periarterial lymphoid sheath of control rat; (l) spleen tissue sample of experimental rat revealed the presence of granulomas in the capsule and red pulp.