Research Article

Chemical Composition and Biological Activities of Lavandula coronopifolia Poir Extracts: A Comparison between Callus Culture and Native Plant

Table 2

Antioxidant assay by DPPH and FRAP methods.

Aqueous extract sampleAssay method
IC50 DPPH (/ml)FRAP (µmol FeSo4eq/1 g extract)

Callus on MS0.45 ± 0.007A232.06 ± 19.10C
Callus on MS + Auxin0.10 ± 0.002C1024.68 ± 34.10A
Native plant0.26 ± 0.019B371.74 ± 29.1B

Different letters represent significant differences at probability level. Values represents average of triplicates ± standard deviation.