Research Article

Prediction and Evaluation of Bioactive Properties of Cowpea Protein Hydrolysates

Table 3

Structural changes in the predicted main cowpea proteins under different pH and temperature treatment for enzymatic hydrolysis.

55°C, pH770°C, pH855°C, pH770°C, pH855°C, pH770°C pH8

Secondary structure descriptors
No strands27 (30.49%)28 (30.72%)25 (29.09%)26 (29.53%)25 (28.06)25 (27.39%)
No beta sheets466466
No beta hairpins665655
No beta bulges648956
No helices11 (15.92%)11 (14.13%)11 (12.93%)8 (10.35%)9 (13.03%)10 (12.92%)
Helix-helix interactions444444
No beta turns737183917774
No gamma turns111319191011

Overall structure descriptors
Volume (nm3)89.30988.31893.19092.83988.24386.655
SAS (nm2)211.836210.991226.506226.260208.161207.840

SAS, solvent accessible surface.