Research Article

Patient-Specific Deep Architectural Model for ECG Classification

Table 1

Heartbeat classes given by the MIT-BIH database along with the regrouping defined by the AAMI standard [10, 28].

MIT-BIH classMIT-BIH numberAAMI groupsNumber of samples

Normal beat1N: beats not found in the classes S, V, F, and Q90631
Left bundle branch block beat3
Right bundle branch block beat2
Atrial escape beats34
Nodal (junctional) escape beat11
Atrial premature beats8S: supraventricular ectopic beats2781
Aberrated atrial premature beats4
Nodal (junctional) premature beats7
Supraventricular premature beats9
Premature ventricular contraction5V: ventricular ectopic beats7236
Ventricular escape beat10
Fusion of ventricular and normal beat6F: fusion beats803
Paced beat12Q: paced beats or unclassified beats8010
Fusion of paced and normal beat38
Unclassified beat1333