Research Article

Distant Supervision with Transductive Learning for Adverse Drug Reaction Identification from Electronic Medical Records

Table 4

Example of relevant sentences of pairs of drug-event (d, p, e).

Drugs (d)Key phrasal patterns (p)Events (e)Pattern directionSentences

C0020261 (hydrochlorothiazide)be-hold-inC0020625 (hyponatremia)d → eHowever the patient’s sodium was 131 on discharge thus the patient’s HCTZ was-held-in the setting of hyponatremia.
C0000970 (acetaminophen)be-thinkC0002871 (anemia)e → dHer anemia is-thought to be due to direct effects of acetaminophen on marrow or indirect via kidneys.

C0020223 (hydrallazine)be-give-forC0020538 (hypertension)d → eHydrallazine 20 mg IV was-given-for isolated episode of hypertension and emesis ensued.
C0043031 (warfarin)be-initiate-forC0004238 (atrial fibrillation)e → dWarfarin was-initiated-for his atrial fibrillation with an initial heparin bridge.

Pattern direction: d → e is drug-event; e → d is event-drug.