Research Article

Hierarchical Shared Control of Cane-Type Walking-Aid Robot

Algorithm 1

Hierarchical Shared Control.
1: while there is no emergency accidents do
2:  Determine the position of the obstacles by
3:  if the obstacle is detected in the Free Layer then
4:   Calculate by (8).
5:   The robot moves at V(k)
6:   The robot is controlled by the operator
7:  else if the obstacles is detected in the Repulsion Interference Layer then
8:   Calculate by (13)
10:  Calculate by (8).
11:   The robot moves at V(k)
12:   The robot and the operator share the controller
13:  else if the obstacles is detected the Emergency Layer then
14:   if (Backward) then
15:    Calculate by (8).
16:    The robot moves back at V(k)
17:   else
18:    if there is enough spaces around to avoid obstacles then
20:     Calculate by (13)
22:     Calculate by (8).
23:     The robot moves at V(k) applied with the Admittance Control and the Artificial Potential Field method.
24:    else if the obstacles on the right side are less than ones on the left side then
26:     The robot moves to the right at a certain speed.
27:    else if the obstacles on the right side are less than ones on the left side then
29:     The robot moves to the left at a certain speed.
30:    else if there are enmergecy cases or there is no space for avoiding the obstacles then
32:     The robot stops immediately.
33:    end if
34:   end if
35:  end if
36: end while