Research Article

Combination of Deep Recurrent Neural Networks and Conditional Random Fields for Extracting Adverse Drug Reactions from User Reviews

Table 2

ADRs extracted from reviews for the drugs that treat depression.

GroupAdverse drug reactions

All authorsAnxiety, depression, panic attacks, depressed, pain, weight gain, nausea, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, dizzy, mood swings, tired, dry mouth, sweating
Gender group “female”Rash, gained weight, could not sleep, heartburn, severe nausea, lost weight, restless, very irritable, heart racing, disconnected, stiffness, upset, severe migraines, cramping, neck pain, twitching, fever, skin problems
Gender group “male”Erectile dysfunction, pins and needles, burning sensations, loose bowels, urination, uneasiness, trouble with dizziness, severe drowsiness, night sweat, chest pressure, blisters, clammy hands
Age group “19–34”Couldn’t sleep, anger issues, loss of sex drive, cramps, unmotivated, jaw pain, frequent headaches, fever, stomach pains, crying for no reason, severe dizziness, intrusive thoughts
Age group “45–64”Nervous breakdown, aches and pains, swelling, muscle aches, delayed ejaculation, profuse sweating, indigestion, ringing in my ears, spasms, trouble urinating, palpitations