Research Article

Performance of Adaptive Noise Cancellation with Normalized Last-Mean-Square Based on the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Lung and Heart Sound Separation

Table 3

Summary of optimum ANC-NLMS algorithm for HSS cancellation.

For time index, n = 1, 2,…, L filter length L (number of iteration) and j = [2, 4, 8,…, 2048]
InputThe number of L value (j), N (1, … , 4) the number of step size
Tap-weight vector, (n),
Input vector, x(n)
Desired output, d(n)
Alpha = rand(1, N)
Beta = rand(1, N)
OutputFilter output, y(n)
Tap-weight vector update, (n + 1)

1. Filtering
2. Error estimation
3. Step size calculationFor i = 0 : L − 1
For j = 0: N − 1
m(j) = mu/(x(n)^2 + be)
If m(j) > mu max
m(j) = mu max
If m(j) < mu min
m(j) = mu min
4. Tap weight and step size parameters adaptation