Research Article

Automatic Histogram Specification for Glioma Grading Using Multicenter Data

Algorithm 1

HSASR algorithm pseudocode description.
(i)Input: Mixed dataset F, data sample number N, number of each sample slice K
(ii)Output: Optimal reference slice
(1)Step1: Coarse search
(2)Function HSBM (n, F1, )//Histogram specification based on brain MRI
(4)F1 = Random (range (0, N), F 30%)//Random selection of 30% of dataset
(5)  For each do
(6)   For each do
(9)    Calculate:
(10)  End for
(12)End for
(14)Sort max()
(15) = Max(F2)
(16)For each do
(17)  if then
(18)   Select
(19)   end
(20)End for
(21)Select the optimal set F3
(22)Step 2 Fine search
(23)Initializes Pointers
(24)For each //Search both ends
(26)  For
(27)   HSBM (n, F1, )
(28)  End for
(29)End for
(30)For each
(32)  For
(33)   HSBM (n, F1, )
(34)  End for
(35)End for
(36)Output: select the first optimal slice