Research Article

Muscle Synergy and Musculoskeletal Model-Based Continuous Multi-Dimensional Estimation of Wrist and Hand Motions

Figure 5

Model condition-related wrist joint movement estimation performance changes in the synergy-based linear regression model (SLRM) and musculoskeletal model (MSM) in terms of the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) and normalized root-mean-square error (nRMSE). (a) r of SLRM2 had statistically significant differences with SLRM1 (, Student’s t-test). (b) There was no statistically significant change in r between MSM1 and MSM2. (c) nRMSE of SLRM1 and SLRM2 had statistically significant differences both in wrist average and grip motion with higher error in SLRM1. (d) There was no statistically significant change in the nRMSE for wrist motion trials between MSM1 and MSM2 while having a significant difference in grip. (, Student’s t-test).