Research Article

Disentangling the Association of Hydroxychloroquine Treatment with Mortality in Covid-19 Hospitalized Patients through Hierarchical Clustering

Table 1

Comparison of main categorical variables between the two clusters identified.

Category (%)Cluster 1 – low risk N = 3,913Cluster 2 – high risk N = 483p for difference

Men2,346 (60.0%)362 (74.9%)6 × 10−11
Current smokers450 (11.5%)94 (19.5%)
Previous smokers268 (6.8%)94 (25.3%)
Obesity (BMI ≥ 30 Kg/m2)546 (13.9%)64 (13.3%)0.73
Myocardial infarction127 (3.2%)335 (69.4%)<10−15
Heart failure171 (4.4%)315 (65.2%)<10−15
Diabetes621 (15.9%)276 (57.1%)<10−15
Hypertension1,828 (46.7%)453 (93.8%)<10−15
Cancer392 (10.0%)89 (18.4%)2 × 10−07
Lung disease415 (10.6%)207 (42.8%)<10−15

P for difference resulting from comparison of the clusters—through Fisher’s Exact Test (for binary variables) or Chi-squared test (for nonbinary categorical variables, i.e., smoke)—are reported, along with absolute and % frequency of each condition within each cluster.