Research Article

Comparative Analysis of Skin Cancer (Benign vs. Malignant) Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Table 7

Layers and parameters of sequential model 2.

Type of layersOutcome structureNumber of parameters

Conv-1 (2d)(Nil, 222 × 222 × 20)560
Pooling-1 (max)(Nil, 111 × 111 × 20)Null
Layer dropout-1(Nil, 111 × 111 × 20)Null
Conv-2 (2d)(Nil, 109 × 109 × 20)3620
Pooling-2 (max)(Nil, 54 × 54 × 20)Null
Layer dropout-2(Nil, 54 × 54 × 20)Null
Conv-3 (2d)(Nil, 52 × 52 × 20)3620
Pooling-3 (max)(Nil, 26 × 26 × 20)Null
Layer dropout-3(Nil, 26 × 26 × 20)Null
Layer flatten-1(Nil, 13520)Null
Layer dense-1(Nil, 128)1730688
Layer dense-2(Nil, 128)16512
Layer dense-3(Nil, 1)129
Total number of parameters: 1,755,129;
number of trainable parameters: 1,755,129;
number of nontrainable parameters: null