Research Article

[Retracted] Adaptive Diagnosis of Lung Cancer by Deep Learning Classification Using Wilcoxon Gain and Generator

Algorithm 1

Signed-Rank Gain Preprocessing.
Input: Dataset “,” Attributes “
Output: Informative and significant preprocessed features
(2)For dataset “” with attributes “
(3)Measure “
(4)Measure “
(5)If” then exclude the pairs
(6)Return reduced sample size “
(7)Rank reduced sample size “” from ascending to descending
(8)Measure test significance “
(9)Return (test significance “”)
(10)Else go to step 2
(11)Measure entropy for each test significance “
(12)Measure information gain “” of an attribute “
(13)Return (subset of features “”)
(14)End if
(15)End for