Research Article

Key Experimental Factors of Machine Learning-Based Identification of Surgery Cancellations

Table 2

Predictors considered in this study.

CategoryNumber of predictorsPredictor(s)

Patients’ information3Age, sex and AT
Admission information1NDA
Workup information2WHSB and ST
Surgery schedule information5OR, surgeon, NSOD, ONS, and WSHSB
Administrative issues3WSDLH, WMSD, and WC

AT: anesthesia type. NDA: number of days admitted. NSOD: number of surgeries in the OR on the day. ONS: order number of surgery. OR: operating room. ST: surgery type. WC: whether surgery is cancelled. WHSB: whether there has been a surgery before. WMSD: whether it is the main surgery day. WSDLH: whether the surgery day is a legal holiday. WSHSB: whether the surgeon has surgery before. Predictor(s): predictors mentioned above were preliminarily identified through expert interviews.