Research Article

LncRNA SNHG15 Promotes Oxidative Stress Damage to Regulate the Occurrence and Development of Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Targeting the miR-141/SIRT1 Axis

Figure 5

Regulation of miR-141 on oxidative stress pathways by targeting SIRT1. Note: three groups of hypoxia-deficient cells were transfected into OGD-si-NCs, miR-141-mimic, and SNHG15-siRNA groups. After transfection for 48 h, normal cultured cells and p65, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, iNOS, and GADPH protein levels in three groups of normal cells treated with hypoxia and glucose deficiency were detected with western blot. Each band’s strength was measured with ImageJ, normalized to GAPDH, and then normalized to NC-transfected cells.