Research Article

[Retracted] Research on Early Warning Mechanism and Model of Liver Cancer Rehabilitation Based on CS-SVM

Table 1

Correlation terms and weight of cancer indications.

IndicationsAssociated items and their weights

Basic indicationsSystemic diseases, 2; family history of cancer, 2; necessary dependence, 3; age, 1; obesity, 1; habitual high risk, 1; regional high risk, 1

Immune indicationsCD3+CD4+CD8+/CD45+, 4; CD3+CD4+/CD45+, 8; CD4+/CD8+, 10; CD3+CD16+CD56+/CD45+, 6; CD3-CD56+,5; CD4+CD25+, 1; exercise electrocardiograph (X ± SD), 2; exercise electrocardiography (X ± SD), 2

Tumor indicationSize, 10; space occupying, 10; invasion, 10; angiogenesis, 10; pathological classification, 3; CTC value, 9; differentiation, 10; mutation target, 1

Nutrition indicationTotal nutrition, 6; balanced nutrition, 3; nutritional safety assessment, 5; cancer cell proliferation, 10; immune cell proliferation, 10; angiogenesis, 8; amino acid assessment, 5; proteomic assessment, 10

Mental indicationLife event scale, 1; cornell medical index, 2; self-rating anxiety scale, 5; self-rating depression scale, 5; Beck Anxiety Scale, 5; Beck Depression Questionnaire, 5; Pittsburgh sleep quality index, 4; Texas social behavior questionnaire, 3; family function assessment, 1; exercise electrocardiograph (X ± SD), 2

Microenvironment indicationO2, 3; PH value, 4; interstitial pressure, 2; inflammatory response, 7; vascular permeability, 6; CTC value, 9; protein mass spectrometry, 8

Aerobic exercise and advanced workAerobic exercise, 4; advanced social work, 3; Texas social behavior questionnaire, 3