Research Article

Fproi-GAN with Fused Regional Features for the Synthesis of High-Quality Paired Medical Images

Table 4

Results of the quantitative evaluation of the ROI images of the BRATS 2017 dataset (mean ± standard deviation) with a significance level of 0.05; underline indicates that the Fproi-GAN is statistically significantly different from other methods.

DataMethodsDice coefficientHausdorff distance

HGGDCGAN [11]0.808 ± 0.298.36 ± 5.66
Pix2Pix [15]0.876 ± 0.237.54 ± 5.90
cycleGAN [16]0.931 ± 0.185.15 ± 3.03

LGGDCGAN [11]0.889 ± 0.267.83 ± 4.84
Pix2Pix [15]0.947 ± 0.236.25 ± 3.12
cycleGAN [16]0.984 ± 0.214.66 ± 2.33