Research Article

Combining Rhythm Information between Heartbeats and BiLSTM-Treg Algorithm for Intelligent Beat Classification of Arrhythmia

Table 1

Correspondence between MIT-BIH arrhythmia database annotations and AAMI heartbeat types.

AAMI heartbeat categoryMIT-BIH heartbeat types

NNormal beat (N); left bundle branch block beat (L); right bundle branch block beat (R); nodal (junctional) escape beat (j); atrial escape beat (e)
SAberrated atrial premature beat (a); nodal (junctional) premature beat (J); atrial premature beat (A); premature or ectopic supraventricular beat (S)
VPremature ventricular contraction (V); ventricular escape beat (E)
FFusion of ventricular and normal beat (F)
QPaced beat (/); unclassifiable beat (Q); fusion of paced and normal beat (f)