Research Article

A Core Drug Discovery Framework from Large-Scale Literature for Cold Pathogenic Disease Treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Table 2

Top-10 drugs in partial drug communities found by the proposed framework.

CommunityEfficacyDrug (English)Drug (Chinese)

RedRelieving superficies syndrome with pungent and warm natured drugs (辛温解表)Liquorice root甘草
Fresh ginger生姜
Paeonia lactiflora pall芍药
Cassia twig桂枝
Dried ginger干姜
Chinese date大枣
Pinellia tuber半夏
Prepared common monkshood branched root附子

Dark greenBenefitting vital energy and invigorating spleen (益气健脾)Liquorice root甘草
Largehead atractylodes rhizome白术
Oriental waterplantain rhizome泽泻
Common yam rhizome山药
Indian bread茯苓
Gordon euryale seed芡实
Milkvetch root黄芪
Cherokee rose fruit金樱子

Light greenStrengthening body resistance for relieving superficies syndrome (扶正解表)Ephedra麻黄
Manchurian wildginger细辛
Prepared common monkshood branched root附子
Bitter apricot seed杏仁
Platycodon root桔梗

BlueActivating blood circulation (活血)Safflower红花
Danshen root丹参
Debark peony root白芍
Peony root赤芍
Sichuan lovage rhizome川芎
Peach seed桃仁
Chinese angelica当归
Suberect spatholobus stem鸡血藤
Hirsute shiny bugleweed drug泽兰
Rhubarb root and rhizome大黄

Dark purpleActivating qi and digestive (行气消食)Dried tangerine peel陈皮
Common aucklandia root木香
Immature tangerine peel青皮
Nutgrass galingale rhizome香附
Villous amomum fruit砂仁
Orange fruit枳壳
Finger citron佛手
Turmeric root tuber郁金
Medicated leaven神曲

Light purpleExpelling superficial evils and clearing away the heat-evil (清热解毒)Isatis root板蓝根
Honeysuckle bud and flower金银花
Heartleaf houttuynia drug鱼腥草
Weeping forsythia capsule连翘
Wild chrysanthemum flower野菊花
Fern rhizome贯众
Tokyo violet drug紫花地丁
Atrina glass败酱草
Great burdock achene牛蒡子