Research Article

A Comprehensive Survey on the Progress, Process, and Challenges of Lung Cancer Detection and Classification

Table 12

Different types of CNN models.

Model namePurposeData typeResult (%)StrengthLimitation

MV-CNN [54]Malignant nodule characterizationCTAcc 92.31It is a fast and reliable computer-aided systemA large amount of labeled data is needed for better accuracy
MP-CNN [333]Automatic detection of lung cancerCTAcc 87.80, spec, 89.10, recall 87.40It uses both local and global contextual variables to detect lung cancerDifferent image size affects the accuracy
HSCNN [334]To predict the malignancy of a pulmonary nodule seen on a computed tomography (CT) scanCTAcc 84.40, sens 70.50, spec 88.90, AUC 85.60Model interpretability improves with prediction accuracyNo domain specialists can fine-tune it by prioritizing more discriminating features under challenging cases
NODULEX (CNN features + QIF features) [335]Differentiate between malignant and benign nodule patterns with accuracyCTAcc 94.60, sens, 94.80, spec 94.30Excellent accuracy in classifying nodule malignancyCross-validated results may be less accurate. Other datasets with significantly differing CT scan picture quality or criteria were not directly fit.
DENSEBTNET (centercrop operation) [336]Identifying multiscale features in nodule candidatesCTAcc 88.31, AUC 93.25It has good parameter efficiency and is parameter light. It enhances DenseNet performance and classification accuracy over other approaches.Its densely connected mechanism causes feature redundancy
PN-SAMP [337]Accurately identifying the nodule areas, extracting semantic information from the detected nodules, and predicting the malignancy of the nodulesCTAcc 97.58It can predict the malignancy of lung nodules and offer high-level semantic features and nodule locationOnly works on CT images
Dual-pathway CNN [338]Predicting the nodule’s malignancyCTAcc 86.84It performs end-to-end lung nodule diagnostics with high classification accuracy. It can also handle smaller datasets using transfer learning.A pulmonary nodule cannot be detected automatically
DeepLung (DUAL-path 3D DCNN+) [71]Developing a fully automated lung CT cancer detection systemCTAcc 90.44It is smaller and more efficient than residual networksLung nodule annotation is not satisfactory
Ensemble learning of CNNS/multiview knowledge-based collaboration (MV-KBC) [268]Differentiating between malignant and benign pulmonary nodulesCTAcc 91.60, AUC 95.70It uses an adaptive weighting system learned during error backpropagation to categorize lung nodules, allowing the MV-KBC model to be trained end-to-endDuring training, there is a relatively high level of computational complexity