Research Article

[Retracted] SDTM: A Novel Topic Model Framework for Syndrome Differentiation in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Table 7

Topics learned by SSTM with .

Two deficiency syndrome of liver and kidneySyndrome of dampness-heat blocking collateralsSyndrome of dampness-heat diffusing downwardSyndrome of yang deficiency of spleen and kidneySyndrome of yin deficiency and dampness-heat

Inhibited defecationKnee painDumbFissured tongueThirst without desire to drink
Hand edemaDepressionDark red tongueSoreness of waistBrown macules on the skin
Bulgy tongueChest, epigastric fullness, and distressSoreness of waistLoose stoolEpistaxis
Difficulty in micturitionDark red tongueEmaciationNo abdominal distentionStringy pulse
StomachacheSpontaneous perspirationBorborygmusDizzinessDark red tongue
Profuse spittleAversion to coldBloody stoolDark red tongueHematochezia
Aversion to coldArthralgiaNauseaLassitudeHematuria
PalpitationPalpitationGreenish complexionSallow complexionDumb
Chest tightnessIndigestionLochiostasisLip color: purpleNormal sleep
No abdominal distentionHand edemaDiuresisTurbid urineBowel 1 per day