Research Article

Intervention of the Syndrome-Position Point Selection Method on Idiopathic Tinnitus of Phlegm-Fire Stagnation Pattern: A Randomized Controlled Study

Table 2

Baseline data and sociodemographic characteristics of the patients.

Observation indexesTreatment groupControl groupt/X2P

Gender (n)Male = 24, Female = 26Male = 21, Female = 290.3640.546
Average age (years)50.10 ± 16.1147.40 ± 14.680.8760.383
Duration of tinnitus (months)
 <3 months (n)17 (34%)25 (50%)2.6270.105
 3–12 months (n)19 (38%)12 (24%)2.2910.130
 >12 months (n)14 (28%)13 (26%)0.0510.822
TSI (points)12.08 ± 3.6211.84 ± 3.060.3580.721
Spiegel (points)17.28 ± 4.6915.72 ± 3.941.8010.075
SDS (points)31.53 ± 5.9531.55 ± 5.140.0180.986
SAS (points)31.25 ± 4.2531.83 ± 4.130.6920.491

Note. The values are the mean ± standard deviation. △Statistical significance was set at using the one-way ANOVA.
TSI, Tinnitus Severity Inventory; Spiegel, Spiegel Questionnaire; SDS, Self-Rating Depression Scale; SAS, Self-Rating Anxiety Scale.