Research Article

[Retracted] LncRNA MAGI2-As3 Suppresses the Proliferation and Invasion of Cervical Cancer by Sponging MiR-15b

Figure 6

CCNE1 is a direct target of miR-15b. (a) TargetScan analysis showed that there was an evolutionarily conserved miR-15b binding site in the 3’-UTR of CCNE1 mRNA. (b) Luciferase reporter assay indicated that CCNE1 3’-UTR bound specifically to miR-15b. (c) The expression of CCNE1 was reduced after transfecting miR-15b inhibitor. (d) The expression of CCNE1 was increased by knockdown of MAGI2-AS3, while it was decreased by overexpressing MAGI2-AS3.