Research Article

Ensemble Learning-Based Hybrid Segmentation of Mammographic Images for Breast Cancer Risk Prediction Using Fuzzy C-Means and CNN Model

Algorithm 1

Process to design a Graphical User Interface of the proposed method
To design a Graphical User Interface
IM = imresize(I,.3)//Input an image by renaming it as IM and resizing it if required.
GR =ImageIn(:,:,3);//Apply Complement using the green channel on input image IM.
GRC = imgcomplement(GR);
CLH=adaptohisteq(GRC);//To apply CLAHE on GRC to receiveCLH % contrast limited image.
SE=strel(“ball”,8,8);//Perform structuring of an element with the specified neighbourhood (8).
mgopen=imgopen(CLH,SE);//Do morphological on binary image CLH with structuring element ‘sse’.
gordisk=CLH - gimgopen;//Replace optic disk by appling a 2D Median Filter.
medfillt = medfillt2(gordisk);
backgroundimg = imgopen(medfillt, strell(“disk”,160));
IM2=GC1;//Eliminate background for adjustment of image to retrieve GC1.
IM2=double(IM2);//The I/P image (GC1) by using Fuzzy C-Means, does image segmentation.
//Execute the above segmentation to construct a flat structure element with in the specified neighbourhood.
backgroundimg = imopenimg(IMMM, strell(“disk”, 46));
//Eliminate all connected components having less than 40 pixels to create new binary image I5 from a binary image and is called as an area opening
I5 = bwareaopenimg(I5,30);
axess(handless.segmented_img);//Open an axis at the specified position and return a handle to it.
ffcmm1=(['The value of Cluster1='num2str(cccc1)]);//Retrieve the final image I5 to find cluster.
ffcmm2=(['The value of Cluster2 = 'num2str(cccc2)]);
classIM_1=Imgg(:);//Find image vectors of input image (IM) and segmented image (I5)
 classI5_2 = Imgg1(:);
//To detect errors set all default parameters
//Evaluate the threshold values among the data points.
% Sort data points %
 ss_data = unique(sort([class_1; class_2]));
% Del NaN values %
 ss_data(isnan(ss_data)) = [];
% Cal difference between consecutive points %
 dd_data = diff(ss_data);
% Cal last point %
 dd_data(length(d_data)+1,1) = dd_data(length(d_data));
% Cal first point %
 thresh(1,1) = ss_data(1) - dd_data(1);
% Cal Threshold %
 thres(2:len(s_data)+1,1) = s_data + d_data./2;
cur=zeross(sizeof(thresh,1),2);//Find sensibility and specificity of every threshold value
 dis = zeross(sizeof(thresh,1),1);
 for idd_t = 1:1:len(thresh)
  TruePositive = len(find(class2≥thresh(idd_t)));
  FalsePositive = len(find(class1 ≥ thresh(idd_t)));
  FalseNegative = len(find(class2 <thresh(idd_t)));
  TrueNegative = len(find(class1 <thresh(idd_t)));
  S = TruePositive/(TruePositive + FalseNegative);
  SP = curve(idd_t1,2) = TrueNegative/(TrueNegative + FalsePositive);
 //Calculate distance between every point and optimum point ranging [0,1]
 distance(idd_t1) = sqrt((1-curve(idd_t1,1))^2+(curve(idd_t1,2)-1)^2);
Calculate the best value for threshold position, Sensitivity, Specificity, Area under curve, Accuracy, all false and true positives and negatives.