Review Article

Deep Learning and Medical Image Processing Techniques for Diabetic Retinopathy: A Survey of Applications, Challenges, and Future Trends

Table 3

The performance analysis report of various DR detection techniques.

Ref.MethodsMetrics (%)Performance analysis

CNN-based approaches[20]Hyperparameter tuning inception V4 modelAccuracy = 99
Specificity = 98
Sensitivity = 99
Precision = 97
Need employment of versatile classification methods
[21]Limited adaptive histogram equalization methodsAccuracy = 97
Specificity = 98
Sensitivity = 94
Precision = 97
F1 score = 94
G-Means = 94
Image quality needs to be improvised
[23]CNN-based binocular networkSpecificity = 82
Sensitivity = 7
Kappa score = 0.824
Availability of limited data leading to biased results
[25]Capsule networkAccuracy = 95Training of limited image features
[26]Fuzzy C-meansAccuracy = 98Inclusion of limited datasets
[33]Feature extraction + segmentation methodsAccuracy, precision, and recall evaluated DR severityNeed for robust DL techniques to improve results
[34]Deep CNN modelSensitivity = 91
Specificity = 90
System excluded possibilities implementation in clinical environment
[35]Deep CNN with inception-V4 modelAccuracy = 88
Precision = 96
Recall = 94
Information from other domains with plausible impact on results are not included
[37]EffectiveNet methodAUC = 0.68
Kappa score = 0.36
Biased results are generated from unbalanced dataset
[39]Deep CNN with inception methodAccuracy = 92
Specificity = 94
Sensitivity = 81
Precision = 93
Automated image prognosis method is not implemented

Transfer learning approaches[24]Transfer learning approachAccuracy = 97
Specificity = 95
Sensitivity = 92
Biased classification results
[38]CNN with transfer learningAccuracy = 74Inability to detect minor diseases

Deep neural network-based approaches[22]PCA with firefly algorithm using DNNAccuracy = 97
Specificity = 95
Sensitivity = 92
Precision = 96
Recall = 96
Low-dimensional data are not considered
[27]DNN patch-based approachAccuracy = 97
Specificity = 95
Sensitivity = 92
Use of limited data leading to enhanced cost
[30]Deep feature extraction methodSensitivity = 94
Specificity = 98
AUC curve = 0.97
High computational cost
[31]DNN algorithmsAverage precision (AP) = 0.88
IoU (intersection over union) = 0.17
Lack of larger datasets
[32]Score propagation methodSensitivity = 91
Specificity = 90
Image pixel score identification model is not included

Machine learning-based approaches[29]SVM and random forest techniquesAccuracy = 90Enhanced image classifier methods are not implemented
[36]PCA with linear regressionAccuracy = 92Larger datasets are not considered