Journal of Healthcare Engineering

Data Mining in Medicine

Publishing date
01 Oct 2021
Submission deadline
04 Jun 2021

Lead Editor
Guest Editors

1Sichuan University, Chengdu, China

2Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA

Data Mining in Medicine


With the advent of the Big Data era, traditional statistical algorithms face various challenges such as analyzing unstructured data and efficiently processing a massive amount of data. Data mining algorithms and other machine learning methods can be applied to extract hidden and potentially useful patterns and discover new relationships among substantial data sets.

Modern medicine generates a great deal of data stored in medical databases. Clinical databases can be categorized as big data and include large quantities of information about patients and their medical conditions. Analyzing the quantitative and qualitative clinical data in addition to discovering relationships among a massive number of samples using data mining techniques could unveil hidden medical knowledge in terms of correlation and association of apparently independent variables. Because medical information has the characteristics of redundancy, multi-attribution, incompletion, and is closely related to time, medical data mining differs.

This Special Issue seeks original, high-quality contributions that present novel medical data mining approaches. Original research and review articles are welcome.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Data mining and knowledge discovery in medicine
  • Medical expert systems
  • Medical knowledge engineering
  • Natural language processing in medical documents
  • Deep learning and artificial intelligence for medical images/videos

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